
Interface Summary
Application The abstraction of the information about the application available at the target system.
ClientFactory<ClientType extends WSRFClient> The client factory.
FileSystem The abstraction of the information about the remote file system.
FileTransferClient The base client class for managing file transfer resource.
GridBean The abstraction of the advertized GridBean.
GridBeanClient The client interface to access GridBean service
GridFile The abstraction of the remote file.
Incarnation The abstraction of the incarnation information.
Job The abstraction of the job description.
JobClient The client interface to manage the job management resource.
LoggingJobClient The client abstraction for the job management resource that generates stdout and stderr files.
Permissions The abstraction of the remote file permissions
RegistryClient The client interface to the registry service.
ResourceRegistration The abstraction of target system registration information to be sent to a registry.
ServiceClient Abstract service client, used by exception-handling API.
Status The abstraction of the job status.
StorageClient The client interface to the storage management resource
SubscriptionClient The client interface to the subscription resource
TargetSystemClient The client interface to the target system resource.
TargetSystemFactoryClient The TargetSystemFactory client
TargetSystemManagementClient The client interface to target system management operations
User The abstraction of the remote user.
UserRole The abstraction of the user role.
WSLTClient The client interface for WS-ResourceLifetime operation.
WSNClient The client interface to the WS-NotificationProducer resource.
WSNConsumerClient The client interface to the WS-NotificationConsumer resource.
WSRFClient The generic WSRF-enabled resource client interface.
WSRPClient The client interface to WS-ResourceProperties operations.

Class Summary
Constants Some common constants.
JobType The pair representing the type of the job: (TargetSystem, JobDefinition).

Enum Summary

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